Custom blends, ready when you need it.

The perfect cup of coffee or tea in the morning can set the mood for the rest of your day. With Capsulier, you won’t need to rely on store bought coffees or the local barista for your daily fix. Make your own flawless beverage, right at home. It’s easier than you think — choose your favourite freshly roasted and ground beans, leaf or spice, load the receptacle, and push a lever. No more rush-hour queues for overpriced coffee or bitter tea; our expertly-designed capsules are mess-free, and preserve the aroma and flavour of the ingredients you choose. Share your recipes with family, friends and our community of fellow baristas and tea specialists. Whether the beverage of your choice is an estate-grown brew or just the best off-the-shelf blend you can afford, with Capsulier you can enjoy a delicious, refreshing cup — every single time!

Patented technologies

Capsulier has spent the past two years researching, developing, patenting and testing the innovative capsule maker, and are very excited to be the first to the market place.

The Problems

Single-Serve Coffee Pods

Undeniably Convenient, but tough on our wallets and the environment.

Coffee Pods are Expensive

Single-serve coffee pods are an expensive convenience.

Coffee Pods Damage the Environment

Conventional single-serve pods come with enormous environmental costs.

Coffee Pods are Messy

Handmade coffee pods are usually a messy proposition.

Easy on the Palate, your Pocket, and the Environment.

Single-serve coffee pods are an expensive convenience. Most customers spend more on pods than the machine’s original cost. And at nearly a dollar per pod, they’re actually more expensive than a small coffee at the hipster cafe downtown. However, coffee lovers need not despair. It’s easy to replicate the coffee-shop experience at home with a Capsulier. Paired with a capsule machine, enjoy a better quality cup without much more effort. Sure, it takes a bit more in terms of upfront investment, but any good barista will tell you of the importance of a good set of tools. Once you’re set up, the capsules come in at little over 10 cents a pop, that’s 7x savings compared to a lifetime of coffee capsules, and a nearly infinite variety of ingredients to play with.

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